The Architectural Committee's purpose is to maintain and promote the harmonious design and conformity of our neighborhood.
As we start thinking of things we want to do to our homes we need to remember the restrictive covenants that require, among other things, "....alterations or modifications to existing improvements on any lot...including...exterior materials and paint colors..., landscaping and drainage modifications, etc must be submitted in writing in sufficient detail to the Architectural Committee for approval."
The submission to the Architectural Committee should be in writing, with sketch's, color samples, photo's, etc where reasonable and appropriate. The request must be consistent with the Bixby Building Code and our restrictive covenants. If plans impact adjoining lots, front or back, by drainage or otherwise, detailed plans must be submitted.
If you have any questions about if plans need to be approved, please contact a member of the Architectural Committee.

The general guideline should be "if there is any doubt submit a request".

Thank you in advance for your understanding;

Architectural Committee
Contact the Committee by Email
Report Any Concerns or Suggestions
Twin Creeks Villas