JANUARY 14, 2019 - Hardesty Library, Maple Room


CALL TO ORDER:  President Jim Colgan called the meeting to order promptly at 6:30.  Twenty-five of thirty-five homeowner residences were represented and forty-one persons attended.  The President then ascertained from the Secretary that we had a quorum present.


MINUTES:  President Colgan referred to the January 8, 2018, Annual Meeting Minutes, posted on our website, and asked if there were no questions that those minutes be approved.  Ron Wadley moved the minutes be approved; J.B. Barrett seconded.  MOTION PASSED.


NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT:  Jan Rusher, Chair of the committee, recognized officers on the present ballot and moved to accept the slate as presented. The ballot tally was 27 Yeas, 0 nays.   The 2019 Board will be Jim Colgan, Marilyn Miller, Janice Rusher, Kevin Johnson, Bill Rush, Carolyn Fuchs and Darlene Demuth.  Grateful acknowledgment was made to J.B. Barrett for serving as Treasurer.


TREASURERS REPORT:  J.B. Barrett reviewed the financial reports (copies attached).  He also presented the bank statement for year-end to the Secretary to be kept in the permanent records.  Jan Rusher moved to accept the reports for filing, seconded by Christine Detrick.  MOTION PASSED.



Streets:  Brashears Pavement Coatings was paid $2,000 for making necessary street repairs, filling large cracks and applying top coatings.

Architectural changes:  If a homeowner wishes to make any visible changes to their property they should obtain an Architectural Change Request form available on the TCV HOA Website and submit the completed form for approval to the Architectural Committee before proceeding.  Homeowners should also keep their flower and foundation planting beds free of weeds.

Entry Gate:  Wind damage to the entry gate cost $628 to repair by Rex Electric.  Also, the entry gate, the pedestrian gate, the silver arms and call box are scheduled to be painted at a cost of about $600, including paint, and work will begin when the weather permits.

Landmark/LawnAmerica:  Rates for each will remain the same as 2018.

Seasonal Decorations:  Marilyn Miller reported that the flower and shrubbery beds were amended with nutrients and new soil and some slow growing shrubs were planted. Plans to enhance the entry area with some  Oklahoma indigenous trees such as redbuds and dogwoods are still under consideration.

President Jim Colgan also mentioned that Ron Wadley and Dave Demuth kept the sprinklers running with just the right adjustments to maximize savings on water and yet give the flower beds the amount needed.

Gate Programming:  Requests to keep the gate open for individual homeowner events should be made to Michael Bennett or Mark Davis, preferably at least 24 hours prior to the event.  There is a form to complete that can be found on the TCV Website.


OLD BUSINESS:  President Colgan reported that the Amendment (prohibiting renting/leasing homeowner residences) has passed and will be filed by the attorney.




ADJOURN:  Ron Wadley moved to adjourn; seconded by Christine Detrick.  MOTION PASSED.  Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Carolyn Fuchs, Secretary to the 2018 TCV HOA Board of Directors