April 8, 2014

CALL TO ORDER - President, Kevin Johnson, called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. at the Rusher home.  Board members present:  Kevin Johnson, Ed Heffern, David Miller, Bill Rush, Mark Davis, Michael Bennett, Larry Johnson, Jim Colgan, Jan Rusher.  Also present:  Holly Minter and Gill Nickles, homeowners.

MINUTES - Larry Johnson moved, Jim Colgan seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting.  MOTION PASSED

TREASURER’S REPORT - Bill Rush, Treasurer, distributed the Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2014, P & L Budget vs. Actual January through March 2014 and P & L YTD Comparison, March 2014.  (attached)  Bill reported no income tax was due for 2013.


Architectural Committee chairman, David Miller, reported approval of two minor requests both were approved.

 Dave will prepare a reminder notice to homeowners regarding approval before making Spring exterior improvements.  This will be emailed to all homeowners.

The Architectural Committee will also research and report on acceptable ways to restore mailboxes so that they maintain a uniform appearance.

Common Property

Curbs, Sidewalks, Streets, chairman, Ed Heffern reported street cracks that were repaired within the past year warranty period.  Other potential cracks are appearing.  It was agreed to ask Brashears Pavement & Coatings, the original contractor to fix the original repairs under the warranty agreement and ask for bid on repairing new areas of concern.  

Gate Operation and Maintenance, chairman, Michael Bennett said he and Mark Davis will be testing the key pad operation as the weather permits.

Landmark - Jim Colgan reported work on the entry sprinkler repair has been completed and the timer has been set for watering.

Kevin Johnson reported that Landmark will be scalping the yards this coming Thursday and Friday.  Email will be sent to homeowners asking that they refrain from watering at this time.  Regular mowing day will be Friday and will begin when the weather dictates grass growth.  Seasonal planting will be done when weather permits.  

Lawn America - treatments on schedule, with some concern about instructions for watering.  It is suggested we listen carefully to the robo call instructions.


Michael Bennett reported completion of the New Resident Packet and the Board expressed approval.  Mike will make copies as needed for distribution to new neighbors.

Michael Bennett reported on research of new lighting for entry.  David Miller moved, Ed Heffern seconded a motion to purchase the five new lights and have them installed by the electrician.  MOTION PASSED  


Bill Rush moved, David Miller seconded a motion to authorize Larry Johnson to begin process to amend the restrictive covenants to restrict possession of any home in the Twin Creeks Villas Addition to fee-simple owner (or family member) occupancy.  In addition, to place vendee in possession restriction as part of the amendment to the restrictive covenants.  This process requires 75% homeowner approval by homeowner signature and will be filed at the Tulsa County Courthouse.  The purpose of this amendment is to keep properties from being purchased for rental.  MOTION PASSED


ADJOURN - Bill Rush moved, Ed Heffern seconded motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.  MOTION PASSED.

Respectfully submitted

Janice Rusher, Secretary